Wednesday, March 23, 2011

So Sorry

that I did not post last night. I worked outdoors ALL day long and when I came in at dark - I could just barely move long enough to take a shower and eat a sandwich.My Fibromyalgia really hates me when I try to accomplish so many things. But, I HATE it just as much as it hates me.

I raked a lot of tree litter and burned part of it and part of it I have in a trash can until I figure out what to do with it. Then DH moved a chain link kennel and I spent a major part of the evening  working on that. I went to a flower bed and ripped out  my mangled  poultry wire fence that was around it. Then I worked so hard trying to straighten it  out  where it had been stepped on and DH had ran his mower into it a few times. After I got it usable I took it to the new pigeon to be pen. I wired it around two sides of the pen-which leaves me two sides left to finish as I am trying to outsmart that little owl from raiding my pigeons !

I had a terrible time attempting to work right on the ground. From age, I was so stiff that I had a terrible time using wire to tie the fence wire and the poultry wire to the metal bar that runs along the bottom. The first time I got down and almost could not get up - so the second time I got smarter and dragged a small plastic stool around the lot with me so when I wanted up to move I could drag the stool in front of me and then put my weight on it and use that to help me lift myself. This getting older stuff is definitely not for sissies. Of course I know part of it is my own fault because I have not exercised all Winter long.

I have 3 little chickens that are my Pets and they stay in the heated building through the Winter. I took each one out and trimmed toenails and put them in the lot I was working on. They had so much fun scratching in the fresh dirt looking for worms and bugs and I had so much fun just watching them. It made the project go better just having them to laugh at .

Then I moved on to a project I had hinted to DH about ever since last summer. He had built me a little 'dove-house" many years ago and I dearly love it. But I had noticed that the roof was leaking lately. Now, I am scared to death of heights and I walked  around it  trying to figure out how I could manage to take some  plastic stuff we have -onto the roof?

Finally I figured I would just start  gathering the supplies I would need and that was a job in itself.  I drug the big ladder down first , then went back for the smaller ladder. Next , I looked for nails and the hammer-of course I could not find them so I went in the house and pulled out the one I keep hidden( O, come on ladies - you know we have to do that! )

I looked for nails and could only find 6 crooked ones that had been pulled out of some project and I beat on them until I got them straighter. Last but not least I drug the piece of plastic sheeting down to the house. I stood there studying how in the world I was going to pull this off. I decided to put the big ladder up first and when I did that the ladder just sank into the wood roof because it was so rotten? Hum? That really was not good?

AS I went back around studying how in the world?????? I ran across a crooked pole that had probably fallen off of one of the trees and I had a light bulb go off. I bunched up the plastic and poked the pole in the middle of the mess and lifted it up towards the roof - discovering that IT was Heavy! I heaved and hoed and stopped for breath and to give my aching shoulders a break. It took me a few times but I finally got it headed in the right direction.

I pulled from the back trying to straighten it up and then I went to the front and had a talk with this big ladder. I bravely took one step on the first rung and remembered in the movies where they say "don't look down"! That was my plan and I stuck to it. Of course now that I was actually up in the air =- I was so stiff and scared I did not manage much of a good job of making it all straight. Then it took all of my strenght to  hammer on the nails that I had put in the board before I got up there. That was a  big help.

Finally I  could get down -that was tough too. That being stiff and also being scared is  not a good combination-but I finally managed to  get my feet back on solid ground.

My strip  of plastic had only covered Half of the roof top , so I went looking for another piece for the other side and I raided one that DH had  used to cover  a piece of the wood pile. I was about to go look for a tape measure when DH caught me . He was mad at me because he now thought that I was bothering him while he was working on something else. So, the war was on the whole time it took for us to get the second piece on the other side of the roof. But, this time it was Almost worth listen to him cussing as HE moved the ladder and got the second piece in place. I think he was really shocked to see that the whole roof is rotten. I did not want it falling in on my doves and hurting them.

He was almost over his fit when we finally came to the house until he realized that I had turned the white side out and now he thought that looked bad and it should have been the green side. I told him that white would not be as hot on them in the Summer time. But, it was like giving a dog a bone and he had to chew on that for a while! : )

I was just glad that the job was done and neither of us had fallen and got hurt. : ) O, Mentioning bones. When I was raking in one of my flower beds you would not dream of how many Bones that my furbabies had buried in there! It was really funny -they had found themselves a good storage area. LOL

So , you can see I had a really full day and when my head hit the pillow I was really gone. Of course I needed a crane to help me get out of bed this morning. : )

Well, I better run and slice my bread . I have a counseling session this afternoon , so I better get hopping (but not hopping too high! )
love to all!


  1. Men...can't live with them and can't live without them. Sounds like you had a very busy day! You need to rest.

  2. I see you have discovered that if you really want something to get done, it only will if you start doing it are funny like that, they hate to see a female able to do their work...gets them everytime. a little grumblin is fine as long as the task gets done....
