Friday, November 18, 2011

Dreams of Projects Yet To Come

This is one of the pieces of vinyl that I got at SchoolHouse yesterday. I am in the process of trying to square it up. It turned out to be a real "sparring match". I just cannot get over how fast time eludes us when we are engrossed in a project.The day was just gone -erased like it had never been - with only the scatterings of this project I am working on.

I have actually got my pieces cut out and in the process of figuring out how to lay them out and what designs  I should use to bring a smile to our faces .

Chris, from Diet Coke Rocks sent me some suggestions for what to call these creations and I really appreciate that. I like all of her choices ! Thank you , Chris.

DH was working on his truck because it had blowed a head gasket and as he says - things always go awry when deer season comes around each year.: )

 Cocoa was trying to figure out what all the racket was about between DH and little Miss Mochia. You would have thought the house was falling down !

DH thought he was going to have a nice fat piece of cheese-but not with Miss Mochia around. She could Smell him cutting it and by the time his butt hit his chair she was right on his lap fussing at the top of her little lungs to let him know that he was not allowed to have cheese IF she was not .

I would if it has anything to do with me feeding her Mama cheese when she was pregnant with Mochia????

Well, I better fall in bed as the kids are suppose to show up at 5AM for deer hunting. I hope they will stay outdoors and let me sew. I have a list a mile long that I Have to get accomplished some how! I almost have the first of those pink car caddies finished . I got tired and then forgot how I sewed the handles on??? Wish I could just poke a quarter in my ear and my brain would start to work again.  But - NOOOOOOOOOO- it thinks I am suppose to go to sleep and get some rest. It soooo, does not play fair!

So, I hope to catch you again tomorrow and hopefully with some success to show! : )

1 comment:

  1. Wow you have a long cutting table!
    I love cheese too...tastier the better.
