Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cheeko's pillow is born from my despair

I listened to a very wise friend who told me to tackle a new type of project that did not include embroidery -since my machine is still gone. So I took all the clippings from my gloves project and dug into my remnants from my finished projects . I found this piece of flannel left over from my lounge pants , so I serged around the ends - Just 3 times because I missed different places , although I thought I had held them securely?? That made we ponder if it could be my eyes deceiving me? But I am stubborn and I finally accomplished my goal - so now I could stuff my pillow frame.


Here it is all turned right side out and stuffed with my left over scraps. I do believe I am lucky to have saved the left-overs of the fleece that I had made hoodies out of last year. Those pieces of fleece make the project much fluffier and lighter in weight and I tossed in my knits cuttings for them to fill in the spaces . 

See, it is starting to look almost good enough to snuggle up to on the couch - so maybe a small little chihuahua will really enjoy some good sleep? Next I work on more left over pieces in my knit bag and find a piece I can make a pillowcase to make it washable.

OK, here we are with not one , but two pillowcases so that when one gets dirty it can be thrown in the wash and the second one can be for the next week. Hummmm??? at least something positive is  coming along. This link has more Christmas ideas, a really cute free walll-hanging pattern and even Christmas tags. Ho, ho , ho

1 comment:

  1. LINDA! LINDA! I am sure I can see that boat out in the harbour... with YOUR sewing machine on it! he sent it to my sewing machine shop! ha ha ha!

    Love the pillowcases! lol
