Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Come and Gone

You know, this is one of those days that you look back on and say-well , where did it go to and what did I accomplish?????? Even Snowball seems to wonder too?

It just went so fast I am not for sure? I can remember the part about HOT and they are calling for this for another week.

I also know that when I get outside the day just plain gets away from me. I tackled the morning chores -- O I moved the female guinea pigs out in cages in the pasture where they can have all the grass their little bellier can contain, plus there are lots of shade trees so they will not be baking in the hot temperatures.

I know I picked a few cucumbers while they were still small and delicious , nice and crisp and no seeds to bother you.

I know that I made it to my counseling session this afternoon and it was so hot. But it is so nice to have something you can look forward to . We meet at a pretty church building and it was cool today, it has been being hot,but they have a new pastor so maybe that was the difference???

On the way home DH stopped by to see our youngest son who had the back surgery. He is still in pain , but he and his wife both were amazed at the actual incision site.It has healed and looks nice except for two monster bruies between his hip bones. I hate that he is still hurting , but we all agreed that after 14 months of the nerves being crushed that it will probably take time for the nerves to rejuvenate themselves.I am really, really hoping that will be the outcome this time.

That little grandbaby of ours is now 8 months old and so full of himself. I cannot get over how fast they grow.I know sometimes it does not seem that way when you are the parents and dealing with the care and trying to keep up with them. LOL

DH got him out of his little seat and plopped him down in my lap. It was instant smiles and he wanted to play. I wooled him good and tickled him until he was sweaty and we were both pooped. I eased him down on the floor until his feet touched the floor and he jumped like a big grasshopper. It was so funny. I told them that was  a good way for him to strengthen his little legs.

One of my young friends who lives beside Emmett and Meagan put two beautiful yellow tomatoes in the car and two almost ripe stripey . He is such a sweet person. We came straight home and had toasted cheese -tomato sandwiches.

By then it was almost dusk so DH accompanied me on my afternoon walk and that was pleasant.I stopped and made sure all the critters have plenty of water. This heat is hard on them, but thank goodness we have shade trees that cover all of them and I have two fans running on the ones in the building and all of the sliding glass doors are open wide .It makes me feel sad to know that there are animals out there that are tied to little dog houses without sad and sometimes without water in this heat.We even left the one little air conditioner turned on this afternoon while we were gone (I don't usually as I try to save electricity)-but this time I could not bear to think of them locked up in the house that would get hot. So they were all nice and cool when we returned. LOL

love to all

1 comment:

  1. Babies do grow too fast as far as I'm concerned. I love babies.
    Bigger kids.. not so much.
    Brylee and Griffin have gone past the 'cute and adorable' stage sadly... now they are into the 'drive me nuts' phase.
    Next I have to brace myself for the 'teenage hormonal' phase.... I am not looking forward to that.

    Save me someone!!! 6 down, two to go... wonder if I will survive it???

    HOw nice of those people to give you fresh tomatoes... ooo I love tomatoe and cheese toasted sandwiches! Me mouth is drooling.
