Saturday, February 25, 2017

Mom & Daughter Caps

I spent another couple hours cleaning another column of shelves in the cabinet in the kitchen again today???

It rained this morning but cleared off by noon.  I had made some  tea last night and then cheerfully went to check out my new glass container -turned the knob and "NOTHING"???? WHAT??????

I tried it a couple of times and then carefully pulled it out of the fridge and took the lid off and scooped me out a glass full. WHEWWWWWWWWWWWWW - I had misgauged the sweetener for that container .  I had not taken off for the frozen concentrate I had added to it and it was so SWEET it almost took my head off.

I munched on my eggs and tators and Crystal popped in and I told her about the tea container and she reached over and turned the knob and it poured right out???? She went to take her shower so I poured half of the tea out in another container and poured water in the first one to dilute it. I placed it back in the fridge and tried it and NOTHING???? FINALLY I figured it out - when you place the lid on it - it airlocks it so you have to leave the lid LOOSE.  Whew!!!! Glad that mystery if taken care of???

 The pups and I went for our daily walk and almost got blowed off the hill when the wind got up.

Then Indy found something in the grass to play with.

He would jump as high as his little legs would propel him and then Pounce on it.

He made it look like so much fun that soon he enticed Daisy to come  check it out? She eventually did not find it so amusing and moved on to other adventures.

Now here it is bedtime and he has thrown up his supper-in three doses and is drinking water?? I am trying to get him to only sip a little water at a time??? I sure am hoping it is nothing serious - just some kind of fluke????You worry about them like you did your kids when they were little. That would be awful to have him get sick after only being here for 4 days???? Gosh -only four days ? He has turned into such a part of my fur-family it does not seem like he was ever not here?

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