Friday, April 20, 2012

Hummmm????? Talk about an Old Dog learning new tricks???? Wonder how many boo-boos I will make learning how to use this?

It was a lovely day here ,but Fridays are always so busy -do the critter chores -go to town and to the mill for critter feed and cornmeal for the humans this time. I love getting my cornmeal from the "mill" because I know it is fresh and I know the people who work there and they are all so wonderful that it is a pleasure to help support a local business.I bet you it has been close to 40 years that we have been doing business with them .

We made it home and both of us were exhausted. I wish you could have seen our little Tracker - it was packed plum to the roof top with all of the feed- And-

DH had stopped at Tractor Supply to replace a bolt he had broken on his tractor.  I really wanted to go home but I needed a bag of cat food for Miss Rosie. The fates were going to play a good trick on DH.
I made a trip to the bathroom and on that isle are the wagons- everytime I pass them I always stop and admire them and think up a zillion uses I would have for one- WELL- my eyes bugged out of my head I know because the wagon that I always look at instead of being its normal 189.00 was on sale for 89.99.

It was one of those LIFE of DEATH moments - I Had to have one- so I went and hunted DH up . He was showing me some spray tanks as I gave him the message- They have something that I want!  Then I told him about the wagon. He thought he was going to catch me off guard when he asked did he have that much money anywhere & I replied yes- there is your birthday money I had saved for tomorrow -which is his birthday-he will turn the big 65. So he went to look at them and said - "Happy Birthday to him - happy birthday to him!" LOL

The next challenge was getting it to fit in the Tracker with ALL of that FEED. A sweet young lady brought it out and a young man helped her lift it and heave it up on top of the feed. There was exactly enough room-not an inch more -just a perfect fit.He said that I looked just like an excited kid as I rounded that corner with the news . LOL

Now we just have to get it put together? Then I can carry feed to all the critters and not have to make as many trips back and forth and I can carry firewood from the woods down . It will be a very busy wagon. I told DH that in years past that kids used to have a lot of fun with wagons & he said when he was a kid that they used to race their wagons .

DH is so tired - I unloaded all of the feed from the Tracker because I had run out of feed this am and did not get to finish. Then it got dark on me and I had a hard time finding my path to the house-one of these days I Might remember to take a flashlight with me.
Now he is sound asleep on the couch and NO Wonder I am tired it is after 10pm!  Wish I could keep him asleep so I could make him a birthday cake?

Love to all!


  1. What a lovely comment on Chris H blog about New Zealand We are truly blessed in this country.

  2. I want to see your wagon!!!

    I am so happy you got it.

    I have my eye on a wagon too... but we have no use for it... which is sad cos I love love love it!

    So.....I get Stew Birthday Presents I WANT sometimes too!

    How are the new teeth working out? Any problems? do they LOOK NICE? I wouldn't know...cos we still ain't posted a photo... *sniff*. *smiles*
