Just when I think something is going to be so enjoyable - I find out different. :) I headed to the sewing room and pulled out another shirt that was cut out ! (That part was good) I had already unfolded it and laid it out on the embroidery frame to start to work on it. So , I folded back my pattern piece to see which name was on it ? and it was Mine.
Gulp! I had not thought about a shirt for me and I had not picked out a design for me? I already remember that shirt that I made last Fall -the green one that I loved the color of , but instead of an animal design - I had gone with a flower design and it is still hanging on the back of the door in here. I think I am plum silly - I love flowers too - so why is it that I discovered if it was not an animal - I would not even wear it??? I mean - that is just silly to my practical side - but the way my heart hears it is different?
Well anyway, I had the shirt on the frame and I was too stubborn to pull it off to do the other shirt that I had already picked out a design for - so I started looking through my designs -or I meant to . The next challenge was the computer - it did not want to recognize either the flash drive I had the designs stored on - nor would it recognize the
CD's that I had stored them on???? Why in the world does projects always seem to be such a challenge.
I had one friend tell me that was the reason she did not like machine embroidery - because it always wanted to mess up and cause so much drama and she did not need that. (My practical side agrees with her)
Sooo- time just ticks right on by and I am on the computer for 3 hours - just looking???? Finally I take a break and fix some oatmeal for us for a snack and then I pull out those little bookmakers that I had made a while back.Turned out they were like having a catalog to study. So, I narrowed it down to 3 which helped clear the field and made it easier for me to pick just one????

Just when I had gotten back to my project I heard such a commotion and I went to the door to see that it was hailing ! It doesn't show up so great in the picture but there really is lots of white balls ! Big time hail!I don't think I have ever seen it fall like that -DH came to the door and looked too. He did say that he hoped it would not dent the car. Me too. All of the excitement lasted about 5 minutes and then the rain started to pour down until there was a little stream running down on both sides of our house. Neither of us had realized when we were so young that we had put our house is such a safe location.(but I know who was looking out for us.)
I did try my hand at enlarging this design and I have high hopes for it.
O NO! After sewing decent most of the evening - Brother wants to misbehave. First it starts breaking the thread and you can hear the cutting blade
nashing. I had just started to sew on another project too- I bet you money this machine has "eyes" in its head. I stop it and attempt to untangle it.
GRRR! For the next 15 minutes I thread and
rethread -even down to pulling the project and checking the bobbin which has started to make a nest . I clean all of that out and put everything back . I know the machine sees it as a challenge to upset my "apple cart"! So it locks the machine up and says the "safety device has been activated.OK, this is a New one on me. I pull
out the knife that I have robbed from the kitchen to cut the whole mess off of the frame. I am just so grateful that this project is mine-I have learned to wear several boo-boos. :)
The longer I work the more tired and
unhappy I become. I had to take it apart and find some kind of gunk in the race, so I clean that off and put her back together - just knowing it is going to work - now that everything is clean! But the minute I turn the hand wheel it immediately Jerks the thread from my hand. I hold the upper thread again while I turn the wheel and still it wants to Jerk it from my hand -even though I am going so slowly -trying to figure out what is going on? SO, I take it apart once again and turn the wheel so I can see the bobbin and when I lower the top thread it is snatched by the bobbin piece and pulled UNDER every thing. I want to take a break -but I do not want to turn the machine off and lose my pro
ject's position.
Well, I finally did walk away for a while . It boils down to go back in and wrestle with it some more - OR- shut it down and lose the top for my shirt??????????
I would never say that I was not stubborn - so I put my mess back together and tell it Please sew like you are suppose to and this will be our last project for the night?????????????? Well, would you believe - it takes right off like it is suppose to do! Or course the damage has already been done -where it yanked and pulled the threads at time and distorted the design and the fabric - but I am just happy to still have it in one piece YEA!
Well, it is almost midnight , so I am going to run and jump in bed !
Good nite to all! And to all a Good night! (see - still working on my Santa gig! LOL)