Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thank Goodness for Friends

Because they shine light in our dark tunnels.There I was , "stuck in a grand Pity-Party" because my embroidery Machine is in the embroidery hospital and my cutting table if piled full of projects -already cut out -just waiting for their special touch to make them unique for each individual. I have been just plain "stuck" and depressed over it.

Then a wonderful friend gave me some wonderful advice : she told me that fretting was not doing me or my projects one little bit of good - because it was something that I could not change! She told me to collect all that and set it aside and take this as a time to do something different??????

Then a virtual friend that I will never meet was telling a story online about making mittens for her brother. I was thinking that none of us had ever liked mittens because you cannot use your hands. !!!! But this smart angel was talking about making mittens with a "trigger - finger" and my imagination was captured. You see, my hubby was burnt horribly in a chemical explosion at his work in 1972 and he was not suppose to live , but you know how that "faith" is - miracles appear. I still have him , but after all these years his hands were so disfigured that we have tried every glove out there for him to use each winter and none of them do much good.

But I could see If  that trigger finger would work on his right hand - then he might get some use out of them. This is some of my first attempts.Very disheartening, but I can see some improvement from the green sample. The blue experiment is made of soft flannel - but since I am the "Knit Queen" I pulled out my scrap knits and I think I like the way the green one is doing and it also works on your hand better . I had never noticed until I was experimenting on this project that our thumb sits and works at a very strange angle and thus, it makes the fabric twist in a strange angle. It did pop into my head what that was called , but it just does not want to co-operate  with my brain.

I have noticed since we were in that car accident a year past , a teenager hit us head -on - that I have trouble with my memory and also the fibromyalgia that I was diagnosed with affects your brain a lot too. I Hated my regular brain fog, but I really despise the fibromyalgia fog! Hubby will be lucky if he can get anything he can use - but , I know he will appreciate that I tried.

OK , I can see I am making some progress now - they look funny - But they stay on your hand really nicely , and will be better than nothing when he is outside working with the wood and feeding our out side wood stove.

Well, this is my bag of scraps that I have a further use for. I save my scraps and then cut them very small and use them as stuffing in pillows for my fur-babies. Then I make a pillow-case for each pillow and I can change the cases just like any linen.

This pillow will end up being for my oldest son's dog - to put in their crate that they sleep in at night.  So, at least -thanks to friends who pull you out of your "sticky situtation" I have made it through another day and accomplished something at the same time - so I would call that a 'win-win" situation. 
Many happy stitches to one and to all!!!!! HO - HO- HO!

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