Saturday, November 7, 2009

Owl checkbook cover

Yesterday I posted the doggie checkbook cover for my friend, but this owl is going to be for her daughter -who is in college and loves owls. Last year I made her an apron with owls fabric. It turned out lovely and I included a note explaining how the owl might be a totem animal in her life - since she felt such a strong bond with the owls.  Each of us has animal totems to guide, teach and protect us. Owls know when to move silently and when to be still, which makes them the keepers of secrets. These solitary birds don't feel the need to proclaim their presence to anyone until the timing is right.Owl comes to us when we need to open our eyes, and study the situation at hand. If we watch and listen with our inner selves we can figure out what is happening behind the scenes, and confront those who are trying to deceive us at the appropriate time.

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