Monday, October 24, 2016

Yea. another shirt - ho, ho, ho

I was awakened this morning at 3Am -so I got an early start to my day. I worked on a crochet project for about an hour and then deleted a bunch of junk emails before I  went outdoors to do the chores. I was very disappointed as I found one of my weakest baby chicks squashed to death where the bigger ones had all mashed it . Then I noticed that the little rooster  - Daniel - that I had finally developed a wonderful relationship with was not singing his usual good morning song? I turned around to look and it looked like he was sleeping on the floor with his head under his wing. I KNEW that could not be right so I went over and he was dead??? I could not find a mark on him , his craw was full and all of their food and water bowels were ok- he did not seem sick - no runny stool??????? He was just gone- and I miss him.

I came in the house and did the fish and birds and cats and pups their medicine and took my shower and grabbed a bit to eat then headed into the sewing room . Maybe I will have Tim a shirt for Christmas after all. The design tried to give me some trouble but I was able to hand stitch the two boo-boos so they do not show. I Hate taking twice the size seams with the serger to make it down down to the right size. I even took the pattern out of the packet and measured it to see if maybe I had cut out the large instead of the medium, but Nope ? I think these pattern sizes must be for the Jolly Green Giant???? Come to think of it I even had to cut down the small I used for DH????  O well, live and learn and hope for the best.

it is still SO WINDY here it is about to blow us away. But it is lovely and No frost yet - nor do I spot any for the next week! Yea!!!!!! This weather is a treat.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Linda...I know your heart is heavy when you lose your beloved pets~ I'm so sorry that you have lost your Daniel...and that there is no explanation. God has him now, and God knows!!!

    Your sewing is amazing! He will love that shirt!!!
    Mega Hugs~
