Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tweety Bird Lounge Pants

Dear little Tweety Bird. My older daughter-in-law loves anything Disney & when I spotted this fabric at The Schoolhouse Fabrics in the mountains of Floyd, VA - I thought of her right off the bat. But , with the confusion of so much going on here lately - I certainly did not have my brain working. I neglected to realize that this was a DOUBLE knit  -thus giving it more stretch???

So now the pants transformed from a size large into a very loose size XL??????Much too big for my daughter in law? Well Darn- maybe I should try to sell them ? Drats, drats -best laid plans often go astray! LOL It sure is easy for me to "go astray"!

We had another perfectly beautiful  day  & I LOVED it!


  1. Super cute fabric. Sorry they came out too big. Sometimes that does it to me as well

  2. You could cut them down?
    They are very cute though.
