Saturday, November 13, 2010

I wish I may- I wish I might!

I thought I would just take it slow and easy this morning. DH and oldest son were out deer hunting and nobody in the house but dear ole me. :) I thought just by not getting all upset things might go great-I guess I forgot to put a time frame in on my dream? One of my most trusted advisers is posted nearby so she can have a close view and hopefully spot trouble before it shows its ugly face. Miss Mocha on Duty.

Thank goodness that I decided to work on a shirt for me-because it is not looking hopeful. I even tested my design to start with and it was looking good. I put plenty of stabilizer down and then sat back to see how it goes? It was going great -UNTIL-the bobbin ran out??:(  A little voice in the back of my head reminded me that EVERY TIME that I have to fill a bobbin that things do not go as planned and sure enough the bobbin thread started showing on the front? I thought I might be a smart chick and just change the top thread to white to match the bobbin thread and nobody would notice - that is -Until- the design started getting pulled in all kind of directions and now there is all kinds of little humps of fabric staring me in the face? That still was not going to stop me -Until- the thread in the  bobbin came to a complete stop and that is bad news.  I had to take a kitchen knife and cut it off of the machine.For some reason this machine Hates me-Now that the bobbin is almost empty once again -the threads have straightened out and look great-but we will see what happens in just a short while? The closer to the end of the bobbin -the better the stitches . I am hoping there is enough bobbin thread to complete the project. Mocha is keeping a close eye on the progress-I am not for sure she knows what to think of the situation????

With all this confusion going to I turn my attention to some gloves that DH has asked for -to help in handling our firewood. I even made many boo-boo's with them too -but it was like the more I could "pour it on" -I was getting rid of some of my frustration and helping me to "calm me down". I sure hope that is the case.

So now I will turn my attention back to the shirt. O NO! I turned my head and the blasted piece of metal made a big loud screeching noise and I turned and looked and it looked so pitiful as it yanked the project half way across the middle and now there is a big hump in the center. GRRRRRRR! Boy, do I dread to look under the fabric. I was having such a good time too-Chris from Diet Coke Rocks - had just given me a great piece of advice and lifted my spirits - only to have this Happen! Time to pull out the butcher knife! Watch out machine - here I come!

I did use the knife to cut the project free from the bobbin. Then I studied everything to see what had gone wrong - and I could not see ANYTHING ! No thread nest  - nothing -except for it being a big pain in my neck! So, I turn it back on and it starts on the outline while I am holding my breath. I could just murder it because as it stitches it gets some of it right -but it misses the path it is suppose to be taking a good 50% of the time!I am so glad to see that "Finished Sewing" window that I just cannot stand myself! Thank goodness it was not for somebody so special! This machine is starting to become what is called -HORROR of HORRORS!

If you happen to meet a BROTHER PE-700II in the middle of the road somewhere - RUN - do not stop-flee for your sanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

As you can see, not much to be proud of here.I have not decided what to do about this? I wish everyone could have had as beautiful a day as this has been here.Seems like I am full of wishes- Wish Winter could be like this all season -Wish that a embroidery machine grandfather would "gift" me a decent machine to be able to create things with. Our parents always told us -IF - we were going to wish for a watermelon - then be sure to wish for a Big Watermelon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL


  1. Our weather today was BEAUTIFUL!!!
    I will run over that machine if it is in the road! I'll even back up for you!!! LOL

    I think that no matter how much trouble you have the embroidery seems to always look nice!

  2. I think I would put the machine in the middle of the road when a truck was coming along.You poor thing Linda.I am surprised you have not given up sewing.
    Hope you have a better day tomorrow.
