Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tracy's bird shirt

Well Shoot! I was trying to capture the snowflakes whizzing down-but they must not want to co-operate. But those "bleeps" are snow-flurries & I told them to hurry up & flurry on by. LOL  And they did -by noon when DH had his doctor appointment they were REALLY big & beautiful as we made the trip. I enjoyed seeing them so much - especially since I knew they would not stay.

DH's doctor is so nice & he was really UPSET that DH had not received his medicine yet - making it over a month without the cancer meds.  The sweet lady who works on paper work took me with her to phone these people -it turned out that they had tried to call us -but where our phones have been OUT OF ORDER for two weeks now & the phone company just will not fix them. It is disgusting to pay for a service & then when something goes wrong they can just do as they please-which was NOTHING.

I was so glad to get home . Our youngest son & his lovely wife bought us some groceries so we stopped to pick them up & see them & the baby. Golly - BABIES sure do heavy ! I could barely lift the little guy. Our son was on the couch -down in his back. Tomorrow DH is taking DS to the hospital to have shots put in his back & both of them are dreading it. I despise it because it seems there is nothing that seems to help him. Two years & he has been in this TERRIBLE pain -with no relief - also two surgeries & each doctor says the other one made a bigger mess of his back than the other one. How do you ever figure out who to believe? DD-in-Law told me that her insurance oked work on her teeth & they are going to pull All of her teeth. That breaks my heart because she is just in her early twenties. I had managed to  hold onto mine until I turned 60. I really MISS them . I am one who loves crisp-crunchy foods & I had just learned how to crack the walnuts that our trees bear. I thought I was going to have a neat winter eating walnuts in everything-but NO.  The only bright spot I see for Meagan is since she is so young-maybe she will learn how to use them -better than us old folks????

I told DH that I managed to keep my big mouth shut when I almost let it slip that those shots in the roof of your mouth are one of the most awful things I have ever experienced. Then DH looks at me & says that they did not do that to  him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could feel my horns grow -??????

It was dark when we got home & we are low on wood . I managed to pull some down to the stove  & then the new flashlight that DH got for Christmas went dead on me- leaving me out in the field trying to lock up the chickens with no light and no moon tonight either! GRRRR!  I had just charged that booger too! Seems like everything these days are JUNK.

I did manage to pull off one more tee shirt for the oldest daughter in law? She has a birthday in July so I am not for sure if this shirt will be for that or Christmas???? Probably the birthday.

This is another piece of fabric that I got for & it is a cotton knit -which I really prefer.

This is the cute little "quirky" birds that are on it.  I thought I would be "smart" since I only had  a few minutes left & I SoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO neatly fixed the neckband for a second shirt. I REALLY did a fantastic job on it too- I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Proud of myself until when I hung it up to admire my work - which was now sewn on backwards -with that nice big seam shining right up front!  So, I guess you know what my next meeting with it will require- yep - that old froggie  that sings rip-it, rip-it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  LOL

1 comment:

  1. that seam ripper and me are becoming best friends too.. LOL Why is it some days or some projects you rip out all the seams Amy(daughter) and I are doing a project that is getting a work out with the seam ripper. lol
