Saturday, October 24, 2009

Scatter Rug Experiment

When you live in the country and have a lot of dirty foot traffic , I have found scatter rugs to be a life saver. But now-a-days rugs are so expensive that I just cannot afford them, considering that they have a short lifespan  and are not wash machine friendly and the backing falls off and makes a big mess in your washer and dryer.

I had come across a rug idea online that called for chenille fabric and that sounded nice but when I checked the price of chenille I just could not swing that either?

My little antique dog, Pee Wee likes to eat in the bathroom by herself so no body else can gobble up her soft food and she usually makes quiet a mess out of it  - getting more on her and the floor than in her -sometimes. I decided I needed a small rug for her to eat on and Yet be easy to wash and affordable at the same time.

I happened to run across a medium size towel that was a hand me down from a wonderful friend and I decided to experiment ? I folded the towel in half and sandwiched in a piece of fleece in the middle. I sewed a border around the square -just to hold the fleece stuffing in place . Next I hand drew a heart and took my regular sewing machine and used my satin stitch to trim the heart out and also help hold everything in place and YIPPEEEEE!!!! I had a quick, functional - easy to wash scatter rug that just filled the bill for what I wanted it to do.

Next I am thinking about adding two pieces of fleece in the middle and maybe changing the design from a square to a oval or even a heart??? These work up so soft under your feet and I really love the idea and it didn't cost me 20.00! Plus, I love the fact that it is hand crafted.

For all of you quilters I ran across an interesting site today with projects involving quilting. Very cool ideas.

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