I have a wonderful young friend who suffered one of life's greatest tragedies - she lost her newborn baby boy. I have always heard my husband say that we should pass away before our children if life went the way it was suppose to go. I met my young friend when we were sent to a chiropractor to nurse our wounds from a car wreck-where a teenage boy hit us head on. It is funny sometimes how life leads you around the bush and you still end up in the right place , at the right time.
Our young chiropractor was top notch - one of the best and I came to love her dearly , like one of my own kids. She was so dedicated to her profession and easing the pain and suffering. By her side was her young receptionist who was so loving and kind, but during our visits I came to sense a terrible sadness -that continued to grow inside of her and I could see her broken heart , in her eyes. Finally one day I asked and she explained that she was checking into a hospital because she was a broken spirit who had lost her baby during childbirth almost a year past. I was devastated for her and even though she had tried to grieve and move on -she was losing ground. I do believe all of us Mothers can only imagine the pain of one of the ultimate sacrifices that life would throw at us.
She wanted to find some way to acknowledge her baby on the Christmas tree and she was working through ideas and everytime she mentioned it to her family - they blew her off -because they thought she should just get over it . But after you have carried a child underneath your heart for 9 months I don't believe you ever forget them , kinda the way that if we have more than one child - we love them all - just for different reasons-each one special and unique as is your relationship with them.
I decided to embroider a Christmas bell because when I ring in Christmas I count all my blessings and of course my children are definitely some of my precious blessings . I did the snowflake with his name on it because I believe that each child - like each snowflake is different and unique and so special. Snowflakes come and go so fast -in the blink of an eye - yet so pure for their brief existence. As each snowflake falls to earth their existence has great meaning , sometimes they gently kiss our upturned faces and sometimes they fall where they end up snow-ice cream and delight all -and some tumble down and add moisture to our Mother Earth who may be dry and need a nice slow quenching drink so that she might bring forth our foods and flowers come Spring.
I believe that her precious Lucus had come to touch her heart and soul . He did not come to break her spirit but to show her that there is a higher place . If only each child could have the gift of a Mother that loved them enough to just remember them always and hold them in her heart-what greater gift could there be?