We had planned to leave early this morning-but we were delayed because DH was under the weather so I told him to go back to bed while I went out and did my chores ,which I knew would take about an hour. It was pleasant outdoors so I even sneaked in the first walk I have had in about a week. When I got back the dogs started barking at an imaginary booger & DH was up and feeling some better.
Our first stop was the drug store for medicines. Then we were on our way. After about a 45 minute we had to go right by Mountain Plains Fabrics so I stopped in and asked the lady if she had any John Deere Flannel. She looked and found about half a yard and that was not enough for the pair of lounge pants that I want to make for DH. That did not take but ten minutes and we were on our way once again to the manufacturer of our stove. They are very nice people and they had the brush we needed. DH also asked them about fixing our stove where you can run it off of oil if you want to and they told him that the part would cost 150.00 and that running it on oil would be terribly expensive. After we almost were home I remembered that we both had forgot to ask him what the price on a stove pipe would be from them???? : ( If we only had a brain instead of a delayed reaction. ) LOL
On the way back we stopped at The Pottery where I stopped in to check on the fabric once again.But , I had no luck there either. For some reason it is like John Deere fabric has disappeared off the face of the earth Now we are home all safe and sound and I am so grateful for that!