My dear sister-in-law has had back problems and knee problems for a long time. Since she is only in her 50's her doctors told her that she was too young for a knee replacement -but the pain she endures is a terrible thing. Add to this at this time in her life her Mom was now getting bed-bound and I don't know how she pulled it off, but she had to lift her from the bed to a potty chair and back - or to a wheelchair if she wanted to move her around. I filled in one day and when I got home that night I was in excruciating pain with my back. These human bodies can be such contrary devices!
I was on my search for a way to put a smile on her face that Christmas , so I worked on her a tee shirt with the kitty and the mouse. I actually discovered that I was somehow getting better at getting that neckband on straighter. I had taken a piece of Lynne's advice and sewed the neckband together longwise first so that one side or the other would not get away from me and it would end up more even all the way around.
My sister-in-law loves her yard and has a beautiful porch and loves the birds outside so I took a tip from a friend and decided to do her a terra cotta birdbath. I did not realize that terra cotta pots would be so expensive - I have decided I was just born in the wrong AGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How in the world are people suppose to live - how do we make enough money to feed ourselves and have a life also?????? I would be very interested in any "tips" that anybody has on ways to survive? I have learned how to make my own "detergent" and save money. I turn lights off when I leave the rooms- I never waste food . But I always have too much month at the end of the money??????????????????????? Well, enough - fussing!
I painted each pot separately and then stacked them all on top of each other and a beloved e-mail buddy gave me the tip to put the goldfish in the top of the bath part. I really liked that little touch. I love handmade gifts and my sister-in-law loved hers too. I had so much fun wrapping each pot in a different box for her to unwrap to make the final project.
The day was so perfect because they had made me the most Beautiful birdhouse and I burst into tears with that gift. It was a lovely day and I was so blessed.
Beautiful sweatshirt...I love the machine embroidery. Great job!