I declare! You cook a few meals and wash a few dishes and do a few chores and all of a sudden you realize that a day has just slipped right out of your grasp!
Then on top of that watching this crazy weather??? One minute it is just dark gray cloudy and the next minute there is what specks falling from the sky. It is like an adventure that you had not signed up for?
I know that DH went out and cut a new load of wood. That stove almost eats more than we do. :)
I went out and did all my chores , but it takes longer to do them when all of the water bowls are frozen solid. I have been carrying them in and running hot water over the bottoms of them to make that ice release its hold! At least everybody has clean bowls that way. :)
I am still working on that shirt. Since it is thermal I am learning about how to use my differential setting on my serger and that is neat. :) I had wanted to make my brother-in-law a thermal shirt out of the same material-but I have been puzzling over -wondering if that color would be alright for a man too? I mean it is not pink -but it is in the "red" family -maybe maroon???? What do you guys think?
Well my two shelties just came in from playing in the new snow that is falling. Their backs are covered in snow. They are just like kids when it comes to snow -so I better go dry them off. LOL
Love to all!
I agree. I cooked a ham, potato salad, baked beans, homemade bread and washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen and took a few pictures of the snow, did a blog and it is after 11 p.m. now!!! I need another day off tomorrow to get something done! lol