Saturday, November 18, 2017


Just fly by like the rest of the days. I had to run to town this morning to pick up my littlest chihuahua's heart medicine . I took Indy and Dais with me because they enjoy riding. On the way home we passed a little walk trail so I stopped and we went around one turn. They had a ball smelling everything and by the time we arrived home you can see how they felt. A little like me-" There's No Place Like Home". But the rest did not last long , then we ate and off to do the outdoor chores. The weather was still very nice and I appreciate that so very much.

I even got a couple of my chicken runs cleaned out and carried the litter down to my garden. I uncovered my baby kale plants because it is calling for heavy rains tonight and they will enjoy a good drink.Then tomorrow night down below freezing so I will Have to remember to cover them back up .

Crystal shot home and dropped Dakota off so he can keep the fire tonight and bring her dog in the Tiny house. I thought I would be smart and run down and cut some on the tree again but my eyes went plum bad and I did not see the limb close up on my bar and I could not get it free. I tried prying with a log but could not budge it so I will have to wait until Crystal comes home tomorrow to take her saw and cut me free.

For some reason my TMJ is showing up again and starting to hurt? The only thing that stops it is a trip to the acupuncturist, but with my undependable eyesight I do not want to even think about the hour drive????

Managed   to get another baby cap completed. My bag is starting to hold quiet a collection.

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