Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Why Do They Always Hate a Bath?

I had planned to deliver some gifts today -But- my plans were changed when I discovered that something had got into one of my pigeon cages last night and murdered two of my pigeons. So, I spent most of the day working to make the area stronger, but while I did Indy managed to find some kind of perfume that he thought I would love???????????????

Needless to say, I did not have the same appreciation for it that he did -so here he is drying himself off and helping to get my mind off of losing my precious pigeon, Jammas? He was so special to me- solid white with feathers down his little legs and a funny little waddle when he walked. He always made me smile each morning when I went out to feed.

It gets very discouraging to lose animals that you try so very hard to protect and care for?

I wanted to hide my face in the blanket too - and have a good cry.

But Indy's funny antics helped ease the pain and make me smile at him. I do not know if it was what killed my birds or not , but Indy and Daisy caught something up under the chicken building in an area that I could not see into and they barked and howled and carried on for about an hour. I did move the rest of the pigeon family into a building that I hope is safe for the night. We will see what tomorrow brings. I hope it is not more heartache.

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