Saturday, October 14, 2017

This was the way my morning started.

He finally decided to  " Play Possum" after the dogs had barked and screamed at him and even pulled his hair through the cage?? I was hoping they would terrorize him enough he would not want to come back but when I turned around and saw blood on his side where they had pulled his fur I locked them in the building and carried him up into the field. I Like to NEVER got him out of the cage. He had those little fists locked so tight around the bars it was like trying to remove a monkey with a death grip. I could not just leave the cage open because Daisy had broken the latch that held the door so I Had to get him out . Finally he thumped to the ground and continued to play dead. I told him I was sorry they had hurt him - I did not mean for that to happen and then I left him in peace.

When I went back Daisy tried to Track him down so I had to tie her up in the yard with me while I worked on putting up plastic to protect the chickens in the outdoor run from the winter winds.

I worked my way all around the enclosure and attached it at the bottom too, so we will see how it holds up once the cold starts?
Then I went down and dug up my sweet potato bed and only found TWO sweet potatoes after the deer had eaten my vines about 5 weeks ago. I just kept hoping , but ????????/

Then I moved in the house and worked on putting up a light in my sewing room. The florescence light had failed so I like to never found a stud in the ceiling that I could put up a hook into and hang up a "chicken lamp". I had tried to find a swag lamp but to no avail , so I settled for the lamp that you put over your baby chicks for right now. Have to make do right now.

This is that beast of a rooster that someone dropped on me. He was tearing my hens all to pieces so Crystal even got tired of it and caught him and stuck him in this wee cage that he can barely turn around in? I don't have any space any bigger though? He even bit me when I fed him this afternoon. I am hoping to rehome him somehow????

When I walked down to the sweet potato bed I discovered one of my potted plants laying out in the yard-minus its pot! I checked the camera and of Course -the deer had come all the way up to the front sidewalk and grabbed this flower and drug it way down the driveway??? It is a Mother-in-law's Tongue so I repotted it so I can bring it in the house soon. They are known to be very good at helping clean the air in your house during the Winter time and very hard to kill! I need that in my dark house. Of course the deer ate the vine beside it and worked on the two peach trees again! So, I hooked up the Scarecrow once again - which squirts water at them !  They just will not take NO for an answer.

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