Sunday, November 18, 2018

Nov. 18, 18

How nice it is to have help. Emmett climbed on the roof and cleaned the chimney, then he cleaned off all the leaves from the roof and finally he reattached the gutter on the front which scared the "beejesus" out of me. It he would have slipped and falled it would have surly been a broken back. But God guided his footsteps and he arrived safely back on the ground and the chimney and the stove are working like a new set up. How wonderful that is.

This is his sweet girlfriend Sandra , who has worked right beside him loading and unloading all the firewood. Nothing like a pretty gal who does not mind hard work. I am so very grateful to both of them.

It was a lovely day with very mild temperatures and no rain so I was able to put out two loads of laundry today . Yea. 

I worked a little in the garden as I had started a small fire trying to burn up a pile of brush in the garden and while I kept an eye on it I used my turning fork to turn over a small patch in the garden. After I get this brush pile burned I hope to cover this area with black plastic like I did last winter and I had no weeds 3/4 of the way through the growing season. I would like to do that again but Have to get this brush pile burned.

Then I came in and fixed a pot of Spicy Cauliflower Curry  and it filled our tummies. Topped it off with a pineapple pie that refused to set up so Emmett suggested I freeze it and we had it like an ice cream pie . It was very good that way. I really liked that idea so maybe it did not set up for this specific reason.

As bedtime sets in my bedbuddies love to have some fun and I spend my moments with laughter at the joy they bring to your life, and we all know Laughter is so good for the soul.

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