Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday visits once again.

Another start to another beautiful week and it flew by too quickly. Seems like I no more than opened my eyes and it is time to close them once again?
We had to run out so DH could go by the motorcycle shop to check on some parts and then we had to take off to Roanoke which is 40 miles away because that is where we go to get pumps for our pond , at Harbor Freight.
When we were younger I enjoyed the ride , but since we had that wreck - I do not enjoy it because I usually get car sick now. Of course today should have been so perfect because of all the beautiful trees in bloom. It amazed me how the red-buds are all lined up all the way down the Interstate. It makes me think it is a miracle because it was not "human planted" and if birds scattered the seeds -they sure did a perfect job of it??
Then when we arrived in Roanoke all of the Bradford Pear trees are in full bloom of white flowers . I am amazed at how beautiful Spring is and how all the plants have perfect timing to show their glory????
Our pump was still under warrenty because we had purchased the extra warrenty for two years. So, we headed for home to install the pump.  I am very lucky because DH installs the pumps for me now.
Our ponds are funny because I had begged for some kind of pond for many years and I always got the same answer- I could not Dig Down because I would hit our septic lines. But this time our sons were older and working construction and when they had a job near us and they needed to get rid of some dirt - the oldest son came and dropped his load of dirt right in the front yard! LOL So now that theory about sewer lines and me digging down! I started working on my pile of earth and once I got started - IT started to pour down Rain! And it rained and it rained and it rained! I am a very impatient person when it comes to something I want -much less some thing that I had wanted for several years.

So each day I would put on my same muddy shoes and pick up my same muddy shovel and pick and I would hit my mud pie! So, I worked and worked and worked -until one day I thought I had done what I needed to and I got to look for a pond liner and then I researched all different types of pond pumps and filters. It certainly was a learning experience. I ran across some wonderful young man's site and his advice on taking a livestock water tank and how he set his up. At the time we had a neighbor who helped me get a livestock tank . But - then I needed a few holes cut and some parts glued - so I asked DH for some help ! He did a wonderful job and we soon had a pond that was ready to fill with water for the first time. But , by asking DH to help - my enthusasium had begin to rub off on him too.

I loved my little pond for a couple of years - until one day - it leaked! Very , very bad. So, now I had to capture my beautiful fish and put them in a tote . Then I had to hunt for a liner -AGAIN- .Well, after a lot of hard work -it was all back up and running. But then one day -dear son- came by again -with a bigger pile of dirt and I was off and running once a gain. It was a lot of hard work and when I got blisters on my hands and my back cryed for me to stop  - I pretended that I was the story of the little train  - and this little train would not be discouraged because its motto was: "I think I can-I think I can -I think I can! I would say this over and over again -until one day I had a little bit bigger pond that DH hooked to the smaller one .

So now when I long for waters - I go to the ponds and pretend that my ponds are my oceans. So , at least by winning DH's favor - he now does most of the maintence work on them . I am so terrible with machines of any kind - so I appreciate all that he does.

Well, I better close up . I have to go to bed early because we have to get up at 4AM ( I dread that) . DH has to go a 3hour trip to a dentist that makes your dentures all in one day. We had made the trip one time- but DH has not been able to wear the first set of dentures because fragments of teeth kept coming out of his gums and there were always sores. They were terrible- he even went to his family doctor one time and she gave him some medicine to help heal the sores. So , it has been 6 months and he is suppose to go back for the permant set? I am really just keeping my fingers crossed for him- he really has suffered with them.
My teeth are bad too , but I don't know what to do about mine. I went to a dentist and she looked at my back tooth on the top and said that it had a very shallow filling - I should leave it alone. But it is causing me so much pain?
Then I broke one on the FRONT! OF course It had to be the FRONT! I went to a dentist and he looked at it and said That tooth cannot be saved - for 400.00 he would pull it!!!!!!!!!! And he did not offer me any options? I told a friend that I was beginning to think that dentists do not have a very good "chair-side manner"!  A friend told me that I should consider a bridge for the front tooth - so I called a dentist to ask about prices and they said 3,000.00! How in the world do people afford prices like these? SO, I am in "wait and watch " mode - hoping for a miracle of some kind.

So, everybody - good night or good morning !
Have a great day - errrr- night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I loved the story of your ponds Linda, how about a photo or two to go with it.
    The spring blossoms sound lovely...much lovelier than tooth troubles. I hope your DH's dentures are as smooth as silk. I sometimes wonder why we weren't all born with indestructable teeth. It would solve a lot of problems for a lot of people.

  2. I agree with what Sue said Linda and yes would love some photos.
