Saturday, April 3, 2010

Another day has slipped away

They go so quickly ,like sand through your fingers. I really try to hang onto a few minutes here and there - just to enjoy the beauty of the day. Each day a different adventure and I learn something new .

Today , HUMM? Now , where did it go to? O yes - I started off working on the bills. I Hate working on bills. Just when I think I almost have them tamed -something else comes along and blows me away from my goal. Then I got tired and confused -just could not figure out what I had done between last month and this month? Up till now I have always been so proud of how I could manage our finances and I had even helped one of my dear friends tame her bills. I remember when we were first married in 68 -we had two jobs. Hubby worked at a place that manufactured camping trailers and I worked for a veterinarian .We were not rich - but we paid our bills and even got to go shopping occasionally. Now shopping means for groceries  and sometimes that is a hit or miss deal.

I do not mean to complain - I am just studying the facts to see what I am doing wrong. ????  I guess everybody has noticed that every month there is something that goes up in price -just when you think you do not have one penny more - there is something to break your heart. Complications, complications!

After I did the best I could manage with the bills we ran to town to mail the ones that have to be mailed . I really do enjoy the ones that you can do online-seems so much easier and faster and I do not have to get in the car ! I am still having problems with riding in the car -since that wreck!

I have had the strangest pain today? It was at the base of my skull and every time I tried to turn my head pain would shoot out from there up through my eye-socket ???? I decided if it is still hurting that bad by Monday I will try to see a doctor. Maybe it is just stress from working with the bills- I hope that is all it is. :)

My little Pee Wee is in the process of passing over and anyone that loves animals knows how difficult that is. After 20 years they become a part of us. I got her to drink a little water but she refused food. I carried her outdoors and held her on my lap and we listened to the frogs singing together. She seemed to enjoy our little trip as much as I did. I am really going to miss her so badly because she has Always been on my heels watching over me.She has always been one of my best friends -the one that I could always tell all my secrets too because you knew she would always keep your secrets.

I had to clean out the car for our trip tomorrow to go see DH's sister , so I picked Pee Wee up and carried her to where I was working on the car and she seemed to enjoy hanging out with all of us.After I finished with the car and put everything some place I picked Pee Wee up and carried her to the swing on the front porch and we listened at the frogs again. They seemed to be singing a song of Joy for our lovely day and all of our treasures.

Now it is dark and she is sleeping on that pillow that I made the other night. Now I know who it was made for.

I hope each of you have or had  a wonderful Easter . A time to take a moment to count our blessings and enjoy the gift of a day and good health and wonderful friends and a day to learn new lessons as we do the best we can do.I know there are challenges -but sometimes the day is just such a wondrous gift that it is hard to contain myself - the magic of a day well spent and knowing that we are loved and that gives us a chance to share the love to the next person .


  1. We hate paying bills too... cos they just keep coming!
    I hope your Pee Wee has a peaceful passing...

  2. Hugs to you and PeeWee Linda.
