Friday, April 16, 2010

Another Friday come and gone

It started off being a beautiful , perfect morning. I picked up my camera and took off outdoors to see what kind of life  was stirring. I looked from the front porch and this was my view of the ponds. This apple tree has a funny story. For the past 30 years I wanted fruit treesssssss - but no matter where I planted them - Somebody would run over them !(not mentioning any names  here) . SO, I bought a little crabapple tree - the kind that bears real crabapples and I planted it as close to the house as I could put it -so if someone was going to drive over it - they would have to run under the house. Well, the little tree survived that first year and when summer came I was so thrilled to see it still living and even thriving.By the third year I noticed that it had started LEANING away from the house. I got a board and propped it back up - a few months later it was laying down. GRRR! MY first real tree that was actually living and thriving and I could not even keep it standing UP! Then somewhere around the fourth year I noticed that my crabapple tree(really does have LOTs of crabapples and makes the most beautiful jelly).  - that there was a second tree coming up from the stock that my crabapple tree had been grafted onto . DH threatened to cut one or both of them down and I told him - OVER MY DEAD BODY!

So now I have a crabapple tree AND an apple tree!Both of them bear fruit and give me flowers in the Spring! I make beautiful RED jelly from the crabapple tree and I pill the stock apples and cook them in the crockpot and then freeze them and when Old Man Winter is roaring at me - I fix the most delicious fryed apple pies that you could wrap your jaws around!

SO, sometimes you just have to Fight for your trees and have a happy experience! And, believe me DH LOVES apple pies! A lot of my cooking skills have slipped here lately - but it is nice to know I can still pull off a great fried pie!

You can barely see the little bench that keeps guard of a private place to sit and talk to the fish.In the left hand corner is one of my birdhouses . I am sorry that I chopped its head off. My youngest son made it for me and it is a lighthouse with a light in it that really works.I let the honey suckle vines cover it though to give the little birds a place to come and go. I will do better next time.

When I had finished here I noticed that we have an old barn that used to be home to my dairy goats . The side of it that faces the road has started to give way and look UCKY! I had asked DH if he would feel up to removing the junk that was spewing out into the yard -heading towards my flowers ! Of course he ignores me .So , he had made the mistake of parking his little trailer beside the disaster . I went down and started yanking because the part of the wall was now laying on top of one of my roses and several of the lillies.  So - yank and pull - yank and pull until it stopped on me . I saw a nail was holding onto the rose holder and when I tried to release its hold - the rose grabbed me hard. I looked at it and told that rose it sure did not appreciate how I was trying to defend it! But after being set free I managed to get quiet a bit of the mess onto the trailer and could now see my rosebush ! Yea! But, I had to go to the house to pick out "thornes"! YUCK.

I did head to the sewing room -assessing my thoughts and cleaned off the cutting table -just in time for DH to hollar at me for help. I really do hate getting side - tracked because I have so much trouble regrouping. Then he loaded up a lot of junk and wanted me to ride with him to sell the junk at the recycling place. We managed to make it up there and started home when we got a call and our youngest son and his wife had taken him to the doc for his back and they hollared at us and we turned around and went back to talk to them for a bit.

My poor son is in excruisating pain -even after haveing two shots  for pain.He was trembling and covered in sweat. Man - I hate to see him hurt so badly and thanks to our wonderful new presidents health care - most of the doctors cannot treat a person IF they don't have insurance. I don't know how you are suppose to buy insurance when you cannot even afford to pay your bills?

Well, enough whining from me ! I think I might sneak off to the sewing room and clean off the table again and see what happens? :)


  1. Great to see your garden. Now I can imagine you working away in it &yanking things away from your rosebush.
    Here's hoping your son gets well soon. Back pain is terrible

  2. Two apples trees for the price of one.. what a bargin! And I love apple pie too... what do you mean by FRIED apple pie though?
    sorry to hear your son is in pain.
