By the time we came home there was 5 inches down. We unloaded the truck first thing so the bags could dry off before it soaked through and get the pellets and corn all wet. That snow was all over the bags and our hands were about to freeze as we yanked them off the truck as fast as we could. I was so pooped by then , something about riding makes me tired- I do not understand it?
Once we hit the house I ate a salad and DH ate scrambled eggs and baloney. Then I cleaned up the floor from all the mud and drank a glass of tea and I headed for the sewing room??? It was late by then and I pondered what to tackle.
I decided that I would start on DS's Christmas shirt . He always says he wants Gray shirts and I have trouble finding gray. That is I always did have trouble until I found Of course I wanted a design first . I had thought about putting a design on the pocket first?????But then I decided to attempt a design separate??

Of course since Cocoa was watching the process on the table - Miss Rosie was keeping things straight under neath my table. It really helps to have someone "watching over your". As wild as I can get - I need all the help I can get! LOL
With the help of my guardian angels watching over me - one shirt is finished. He wanted gray and he will get gray. He wanted Short Sleeves -so he will get short sleeves??? I would have thought long sleeves for winter-but no - he wanted short sleeves for all year long - AND- he wanted a dumb pocket - so I kinda mustered a pocket! But, I still HATE pockets! I am sure there is a lesson in there somewhere! ~smile~
Nice snow picture. I am sure DH will love his shirt with the pocket.