Monday, March 22, 2010

Run Day

Today was one of those "run days" when you just try to accomplish things .While we were out we went to the mill to get critter feed ( corn for the chickens , ect)  and I picked up two bags of flour, one all-purpose and one called biscuit mix ,which already has the lard and baking powder mixed in it - so you just add milk and you are ready to go. Of course it is white flour and I keep telling DH that white sugar and white flour is not good for us. Especially me since I am starting to show problems with my sugar. I did switch over from sugar in our teas and for mine I use stevia, a kind of herbal sweetener. So, at least I am trying to help myself.

I did break over yesterday and make DH some fried apple pies, which he dearly loves. I could  imagine the warn sun and smell the flowers from the day last Fall that I sat on the porch and peeled the little knotty apples and then cooked them in the crockpot - to freeze until time for a treat.Since DH has worked so hard this Winter cutting firewood for our outdoor wood stove, I thought it was time to treat him and he really enjoyed them.

I hope each of you have had a beautiful day - OR - night  (see I am getting smarter) . 
Love and happiness to one and all , until we meet once again.  


  1. Apple Pie.. oooo you are so LUCKY I don't live nearby! Or should I say, your husband is... cos I would eat them before he got a chance!
    I'm sure I can smell them... wafting over the ocean....

  2. You have been a busy girl.LOL It is evening here.
