Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hello Sewing Room

What kind of trouble can we get into this afternoon???? Well, first I would like to fuss: I hate Daylight Savings Time!!!! YUCK, YUCK, Yuck!!!!!!!!Why in the world do humans mess with something that works???? Seems like you give a human being an inch and they will take a mile!

That is as bad as in our local town we have a lovely river -not big , but just right. And all of my life the community has fished in it - providing food for fish eaters table. I  loved our river (even though I cannot swim) and would never throw trash of any kind in it.But now there are signs posted that you can fish, but do not eat more than one catfish a month because the toxins in the water that have polluted our fish . Who gives big business the privilege of ruining our beautiful water ways????

Well, now that I have had my little "temper tantrum" it is time to ,"Let The Sewing Begin".
I just have to share with you what I think is a funny lesson! I share my sewing room with the Queen of the room - Rosie the sewing cat. So, when ever I come in I always have to wipe down the cutting table for my daily gift of kitty fur!

One day I did not feel up to just walking to the bathroom to get a damp cloth. I looked around and had a nice cloth laying close by and a little bottle of "Air freshener". So, I decided to give a little squirt-it has a nice light fragrance and as I wiped I could not believe the dirt it was picking up. Then , my daughter-in-law had given me a desk to sit my sewing machine on. It had been in a man's garage and had grease all over it. SO , I gave it a light spray and the grease wipped off like magic! And, this is just one of the little cheap air fresheners from our local Dollar store??? I do believe this little product has missed its calling!!!!!!! Take a "gander" at how much crud it captures??? I was really amazed!

 So, I think I am ready to tackle a project for my sister-in-law for Christmas.

Well, at least I managed to get the design to co-operate with me. Now I will trim the stabilizer from the back. I am always a little leary when it comes to do this - such a seemingly simple task, but I have seen those of us who get carried away and cut into the main fabric - sure don't want that luck to befall me?????

I just cannot believe myself!  I got so carried away with keeping my stitches straight that I had almost forgotten to add the neckband?????????

Well, there might have been a few battles , but I won the war , this time??As I stand and look - it never ceases to amaze me that you take a flat piece of fabric and turn it into a personality. I always believe it is a magical experience.

                                                             HoHo HO!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I am gonna have to try to find that air freshner. That is amazing. Thank you for your sweet comment. You made my day. I just cannot believe all that you do. You amaze me.
