Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday passes by

and I manage to get myself in trouble - all by my little ole self! This morning I was walking by a messed up flower bed where the daylillies had taken over and yet without sun they had quit blooming years ago.So, I had the bright idea of digging them up and moving them to a sunny spot and that way I could steal an impatient on the front porch that I had made it through the winter time with and it would love the nice shade! Great idea. So, I went to digging up the day lillies and there were many more than I had realized. When I finished I had quiet a pile and it was starting to get hot so I didn't want to risk losing them . So, I carried them up to a bank that I would love to have them growing on. The weeds have taken it over and I would love to have blooms there instead of weeds.

I made another trip up and down the hill to get my digging tool and went to work on the slippery slope . I had to dig bigger holes than I thought because I got lazy and stated sticking a whole bunch of them in one hole as I was getting pooped. As I surveyed my work , my husband fixed a hose that I could water them with. I was so tired and I headed to the house with sweat dripping off my nose . I stopped and got a drink and then headed for the shower. The shower really felt good and it was nice to get all the stink off of me.

As I came back to the living room to get a drink I saw in the mirror that my face was blood red. As I sat and quenched my thirst my son called  and we chatted for a minute of how he was getting since his back surgery last month-and he is not getting much better -still in a lot of pain.

I was starting to get nauseous and my stomach was hurting and my head was hurting so I passed him off to his Dad and headed to the bathroom.After I made a mess in there and cleaned it up I took a wash cloth and put cool water on it and headed to my bed where I have a ceiling fan . I crawled under the fan and draped the cloth across my face . It felt good when it was cool-but it got hot really fast and I kept turning it. My little chihuahua , Mocha came to check on me. She was so funny - she started to screw her little face up and fuss at me. When I did not pay attention to her she barked at me and she was VERY determined . I finally had to take time to laugh at her- I just could not help myself. She is such a squirt and I love her so much.

Finally after I wore her out - I fell off to sleep and awakened 2 hours later. I went to check on DH and get a drink. I think every joint in my body was hurting and throbbing. So, I have spent the rest of the day suffering for my mistake. It turned out it was a hundred degrees - so I guess  I just should not try to outdo Mother Nature. :) And I did not consider that I am older now - I used to do that stuff when I was younger- but I keep forgetting I am not indestructible! LOL Live and learn . :) 


  1. Once again... you were a dork. I am sure you only do dork-ish things like that so I can call you names! LOL
    Next time wait until it's cooler or get some one else to do it woman!

  2. Oh Linda,
    I am sure glad you pulled out of that HEAT STROKE! They call it heat stroke because it is very dangerous! I can see your good intentions, but I agree with Chris, have someone else do it next a young grandson in the very early hours of the morning. LOL...if you can find one at that time of day. Bribe them with a wonderful breakfast if they will spend the night and help you with a tiny little chore! :)
