Sunday, March 5, 2017

Start Of A New Week

It was another cold start to the morning but by afternoon Crystal and I were able to take the pups for a walk???

Or so we thought as I bragged on how good Dan was doing with his gentle lead. He had learned a lot from the week she had worked with him for only a few minutes each day.

But we were in for a turn of advents as we got further back - Yukon the donkey decided to join us and do away with the pups - since they look too much like coyotes to him???

Well, we made it to the second fence and scurried through a hole in the fence -now thinking we had it made????

Yukon had other ideas as he had now crawled through the fence with us!GRRRR!

So we turned back trying to lure him home -to which he stuck his tail up and said poo on us -he was going on his own adventure and would have nothing to do with us?

So we headed home -hoping he would follow - NOT!

All of the pups were giving me grief when I got home about it was time for them to have their chicken so I had to feed them and then feed Crystal and me.  It was a short while later a neighbor called and had a white donkey in her yard? I told her that I HOPED he would come home on his own and if not I would get him tomorrow. After I hung up I felt like a total slacker - a bad neighbor - and then there he was wanting his supper too!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I will have to do some fence work on that donkey!

I got a lot of chores finished and when I was writing this post I happened to look down and notice that Daisy is laying besie me with an Antler in her mouth - SLEEPING!!!!!!!!!! I thought that was the cutest thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To top off my evening I pulled out my new yarn I had got a month ago and managed to pull off my first pair of those Cloud Booties for this year.  I do like the yarn but was disgusted with myself because I had thought I had found a real deal - only to discover that there was only HALF as much yarn in these new skeins??????? BUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

O you will enjoy this one : I was trying to put the turkeys up and could not find the baby turkey so I circled all around the yard and could find nothing but 5 feathers so I was beginning to think a hawk had snatched him. I was heading to the house to look on the other side when Crystal had appeared and laughed and called my attention that he was UP IN THE TREE!!!!!!!!!!! As I looked up trying to figure out how to get him down from there he politely Pooped all over me !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say he did Go IN THE CAGE and will probably not be allowed out until next Winter????/ ~smile~


  1. So you have a naughty donkey, and a tree climbing, pooping baby turkey! Oh you do have fun don't you! lol

  2. Oh Linda....I could picture this whole day of events!!! LOL Love your baby asleep with the antler sticking out of her mouth! HUGS!
