Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sister-in-laws tee shirt with her pooch on front

 Still working on the tee shirts . I still did some "drunk driving " around the collar.I try so hard and for some reason I still wobble -no matter how hard I try to hold my breath.  Plus, my new machine has a button to slide that you can go slow, medium and faster and I even use SLOW - Maybe my poor ole brain just is stuck in Groundhog gear???? I did enjoy the fabric - it is kind of a light brown and mixed white threads running through. I also loved the little pooch design because she has a little chihuahua named Buttons and I think she will get a kick out of it.

I am one tired pup myself tonight , I worked all afternoon helping my hubby haul 4 truck loads of gravel to a friend's house -then unload them and rake them as smooth as I could. Our truck is the smaller size , but still a lot of work for an ole grandmaw! lol We came home and picked up two of our "pooches" and took off to the park to walk our two miles. The weather is beautiful , 56 degrees and the leaves are all colors and rustle under your feet as you walk. Our pooches are what make our walks so nice- I pay more attention to them than I do my fibromyalgia pain and every little bit helps. If we don't walk then I get stiff as a board and can hardly pull myself up out of bed in the morning and my back will just kill me - so we really try hard to help ourselves - no matter how much it hurts. I would tell you that my older age is probably my favorite age so far - IF we just did not have so much pain to try to outsmart! There really are a lot of advantages to being older: you know ,like we have raised our kids and now it is their turn to lose sleep and chase their kids OR the younger people will let you get by with a little more and also give you a little more respect and kindness . My favorite is the old men now chase the pretty young things . LOL - I always laugh at that one . Some things never change - LOL And I get to spend MORE time doing the things I love the most - Sewing and spending time with my hubby and my critters and making things for my kids and grandkids and soon to be great grandkids.


  1. I'm sure your sister-in-law will love the t-shirt. The embroidered dog is so cute!

  2. I lvoe the t shirt...It is so cute! The post was so cute!
