Sunday, April 29, 2018

This was just the 8th of this Month

It seemed like every time this little flower tried to bloom this "white stuff" would fall from the sky.
I got SO Very sick of it I thought I would wither away myself. I am Lusting for Spring to finally Really be here??????????

"Turkey Went A-Courting" - he surly did and now Mama is on 20 eggs-maybe Spring is here????

Looks like Yukon might have made it through another Winter - so maybe we can share another Summer!!!!!!!!!!! Yea.  Even as he gets into trouble. He tried to steal my daughter's bag of seed potatoes from her yesterday , and almost pulled it off. I never know donkeys love potatoes????

My beloved side-kick , Indy has been with me for a little over a year now and I donot know how I ever  managed without him. He is on constant "mouse control" and has done an excellent job. I still hate to see them murdered as I think they are so precious - but once they get into the hundreds they do so very much damage . His side-kick , Daisy is curled up in the house beside the stove -waiting -like me- for warm weather. lol  The three "antiques" are also still kicking and in the warm house -heck with this white stuff- I wish we could telaport to where it is warm All Year long. HUMMMM

Monday, April 9, 2018

I will be SO Grateful when Winter is really over. We had a surprise snowstorm that came so fast and furious that it caused our area to be declared a disaster area. They cut one lane roads through so that the crews could get in to work but it took us a week to be able to get our electricity and phone and internet service restored. These guys told me that they had come from N.J. towards their homes in Tenn. when they got called in to help here in Va. They said they had only been home two days in March and had been up in N.E. working. They were really great guys.

I was lucky to have my indoor woodstove for the week for heat, but it got me in trouble as I was low on dry wood so I substituted the green wood that we had to cut to free our driveway and it stopped my chimney up so right now I cannot use it. It is so easy for me to get myself in trouble.

Just when I had hopes that Spring really was here -This happened-BOOOOOOO! I had covered her up when I knew snow was in the forcast the other time to keep it from getting broke off , but yesterday morning Old Man Winter made one more swipe through. I sure was glad we did not lose our electricity this go round .

I mean , even Indy agrees with me , where is this white stuff coming from - this must be an "April Fool Joke"?????????????

So, me and all the critters are anxiously awaiting the real Spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~smile~